Tuesday 6 January 2015

Berber Bowmen, 18 mmm (Legio Heroica)

Ok, these are actually Sudanese archers for a Fatimid Army (from Legio Heroica's 'Holy Land - The Muslim Armies' range) - http://www.legio-heroica.com/Musulmani-en.html. the figures are a bit chunky, but well sculpted and quite pleasant to paint. They will be a part of my Andalusian army (a very slowly progressing project - the idea is to create an army as it could have been used between 800 and 1000 by the Califate). I am not sure how the Berber mercenaries in these armies looked like (my sneaky suspicion is that they were dressed like the locals in tunic and trousers), but in my imagination the Berber mercenaries roughly looked like these figures.

Sunday 4 January 2015

British Infantry, AWI, (Fife & Drum, 28mm)

I finally managed to paint a few British Infantry. The figures are from Fife & Drum (http://fifedrumminis.blogspot.ca/), very clean castings, easy to paint, and seem to be sturdy enough to withstand some knocks. The figures are nicely sculpted, only the muskets seem a bit too large (but sturdy - and I prefer large and sturdy to 'in scale but breaks / bends easily'). These figures are in campaign uniform, but definitely at the beginning of the campaign (no torn trousers or similar).

The range is reasonably complete, but of limited scope and variation, although it is slowly getting expanded. service was very good. By the way, strictly speaking the range is 1/56, or 30mm high, but as far as I know the figures can be mixed with other 'slender' 28mm, for example Perry (but don't take my word for it - I didn't do a comparison).

Sorry for the quality of the pictures, but I don't have a good set-up for taking photographs right now.